Loo Homestay @ Pangkor Island

who have interest please contact me via:
Email : hooimeng87@hotmail.com
Hp      : 012-3922432

Or letter perhaps
Chop Hock Hin
No. 4 Sungai Pinang Kechil
32300 Pangkor ,Perak

I will try to answer your questions

Loo Homestay is full furnished and chinese style decoration
sorry for my poor shooting skill :p
as u can see from the pictures, my house is well maintain and confortable. it is suitable for retired couples who want to away from the hustle and bustle.

We have 4 rooms equipped with air-cond, bed, cupboard and ect, (really very comfortable) every rooms have a private washroom equipped with water heater
Mr. Loo and Mrs. Loo(my mom n dad) are friendly and helpful persons, they will try to fulfill your needs as possible.

As u step in loo homestay u definitely will love it!
we more welcome the long term guests (at least 2 month)
price : 1000 USD per month very reasonable and affordable
hope to see you soon!!^^